
    How our team works (and plays) together apart

    In the most recent of Inside Arsenal, we ask our team about what’s keeping them in their groove despite the COVID-19 crises.

    Work goes on at Arsenal. Hunkered over our laptops and clad in our favorite jammies, we’re banded together to deliver our best work – even if we’re all miles away from one another.

    The situation we’re all forced into due to the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t something to be taken lightly. This is why we feel even more determined to help clients set up initiatives that, in their own way, contribute to our collective battle against coronavirus.

    In today’s blog post, we’re letting you guys in on how we’re keeping our groove remotely – both for work and play.

    Daily standups for team accountability

    There’s work for everyone to do every day. And as a team of twenty-plus misfits, it becomes hard to track every little thing at some point.

    Our solution? It’s pretty simple: Daily check-ins with our team! 

    Each morning, our employees are asked to list down their tasks. This includes what they have done the prior workday, what’s ongoing, and what’s on their plate for today. They’re also encouraged to share anything that might cause some bottleneck in their process.

    At the beginning of every workday, we jump on a group chat (we use Workplace!) and share the following: 

    • Finished tasks from yesterday
    • Ongoing tasks/projects
    • To-do tasks for today
    • Any blockers that are keeping us to do our jobs

    It’s not rocket science, but it’s working wonders so far. Personally, I think it’s less intimidating than a daily Zoom standup and encourages us to own tasks and projects.

    Asynchronous communication for better productivity

    In 2020, every professional is a slave to the notification ping. And boy, do we try our hardest to get through the unforgiving barrage.

    To keep ourselves from falling into this trap, we’ve started to employ asynchronous communication. To those unfamiliar with the concept, it is a type of team-comm that encourages communication to be concise and less reliant on being present in chat the entire workday.

    For us, we make good use of Workplace’s Groups feature. It’s just like Facebook Groups, which means we can post all sorts of stuff in there, from business initiatives, content trends, great ads and copy we find online, resources to sharpen our skills, and more. We’d drop posts about ongoing projects, tasks, and other crucial information, making our work centralized and our AMs’ lives easier by not having to repeat every single thing to people involved.

    Being an agile content marketing agency, of course, there are asks that require more brevity than others, to which we’re all perfectly able to adapt.

    Leisure breaks – because we like our sanities intact, thanks

    Breaks are just as crucial a part of work as the work itself. We take this to heart back when we’re all huddled together inside our office, and now that we’re all working remotely.

    So, to make sure everyone is on the same page, we asked our team to send clips of themselves during their free time.

    And boy, is it a video to watch.

    Here are some things to keep yourself busy and your mind sound during this quarantine – from the actual WFH lives of our employees.

    • Post Tiktok videos
    • Make music
    • Workout at home
    • Play with your pets
    • Cook new recipes
    • Eat healthy
    • Start vlogging
    • Reflect on life
    • Go on Zoom meetings – because you miss your work friends!

    How are you managing during this time?

    That’s about it for our sneak peek at our WFH lives at Arsenal. We look at our current situation as an opportunity to adapt, and we sure as hell make it work.

    We hope you guys are safe at home!

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